Team Building:

Single Day Event: Schedule a block of time to have HTS come do an exciting workshop designed for the needs of your team.

-More available, contact us to discuss.

Multi-Day event: Primarily for professional sports teams, we have done multi day events with organizations that have retreats or focus sessions for their leadership. Contact us to design the course for you. 

Contact us and get started building a unique experience. 


Making an impact through lessons learned

Drawing from a lifetime of extraordinary challenges and achievements, I connect my unique experiences as a Navy SEAL to the core themes of your event. The adversities I faced even before beginning my military career taught me how to overcome obstacles that seemed insurmountable. Through powerful stories and lessons, I’ll share what had the greatest impact on me both in and out of the SEAL teams, shaping my relentless “never give up” mindset. My goal is to inspire, motivate, and equip your audience with insights they can apply to overcome their own challenges, both personal and professional.

Some topics:
-Emotional Intelligence - It is important, even on the battlefield. 
-Leadership - More than just a position or job title.
-Cultural Diversity - How traveling the world taught me about culture.
-Teamwork - Putting the mission first.
-Mindset - What you need to tell yourself in successful and hard times.

Length: 30-90 minutes
In person or virtual options available. 
Cost: Contact me to work out details


Underwater knot tying: Learning to be comfortable under pressure.

Putting information into experience so you get build confidence. 

What to expect?

Resilience takes time and practice. Learn how to overcome mental blocks and focus on success with guided steps and stress management techniques.

-Underwater swim: Testing your perception (See how far you can go)
-Shallow water knot tying: Overcoming mental blocks (Square knot - sounds easy right?)
-Deep water knot tying: Building confidence (Same knot, new depth)
-Underwater swim again: Breaking your self imposed limitations (See the difference in your approach and mindset)

The underwater knot-tying experience is about far more than mastering a skill—it’s about learning to control what you can, even under extreme pressure. It’s an exercise in focusing on the task at hand rather than the fear that surrounds it. By managing both internal and external stressors, participants learn to maximize their time and performance, all while holding their breath. This powerful lesson in resilience directly translates to everyday life, teaching us how to face stress head-on and maintain clarity and composure in the midst of adversity.

Length: 3 hours
Gear: Swimming attire, goggles
Location: Let's discuss options
Size: 10-20 per session - we can accommodate multiple sessions in one day.
Cost: Varies depending on size, locations, and availability.


Unit training

Contact us to work through a tailored curriculum for your department/team. We specialize in rapid-response team training. Our team has decades of experience with close-quarters battle and mission planning. Take our training plan and implement it in your department.